The introduction of talk show host/commentator/former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett’s new book The Book of Man is as thought provoking a handful of pages as I have read lately. In it he makes the case that the state of manhood in America has gone through a dramatic and altogether not good transition over the course of the past couple of decades.
While it is not Bennett’s premise, I think the case can be made that we can trace the current malaise we find ourselves mired in, to the pussification of the American male. We have steadily erased some of the cornerstones of what made men, men. And Bennett’s book wants to put in place a framework, through the written word, to put manhood back into its rightful place, by changing the way we teach the next generation of males.
Think about it. We have erased from our society some of the most basic tenets of manhood. We whimpify boys by not allowing them to keep score in youth sports; going a step further when we actually allow scoring in scholastic sports, teams who win a lopsided victory are chastised for “running up the score.”
We have raised a generation of men not to seek knowledge and pursue critical thinking skills, but to merely get good grades. I recently took part in a discussion with a college professor who studies generational differences who spoke of the disturbing trend where college students are likely to have a parent call a professor about a bad grade or even go so far as to bring along a parent on job interviews!
We have taught a generation of men that they are inconsequential to the family unit; that women are strong and don’t really need them around. Is it any wonder that we have tragic divorce rates, scores of children being born and raised out of wedlock and where in the 1950s 96 percent of males between the ages of 25-54 worked; today that number stands at around 80 percent. Yes, a full 20 percent, one fifth of men do not get up and go to work each day!
Where once men took care of families, the government now plays the role of provider. No I am not a chauvinist, women are certainly a vital part of the work force and the family, but how can you read these numbers and not see that we have created an unsustainable and growing problem of dependency.
The Book Of Man is not a prescription to fix this problem, but gathers the writings of great thinkers on a variety of topics including; Man at Work, Man at Play, and Man with Women and Children, which can at the very least envision a different sort of path to manhood than we currently find ourselves on.
I can’t help but wonder if instead of government handouts if we might see a greater benefit in handing out copies of Mr. Bennett’s book. I also have to wonder if the maggot-infested flock of Wall Street Occupiers might benefit from a copy of the Book of Man…maybe we could enlist someone to read it to them, or better yet, we could set up a large PA system and blast them with the audio book version 24/7.
Filling the void left by the lack of a cogent, clear-thinking, conservative local voice in Erie talk radio
C N S News Scroll
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
John Edwards...Quite A Guy
What kind of a guy has an affair, knocks up the dumb slut and then asks other people to foot the bill to try to hide said slut from his wife and the tabloid media all while running for President? Keep in mind that this guy has a fortune estimated at between 30 and 40 MILLION DOLLARS!
That of course would be John Edwards!
Who smiles for a mug shot?
Now the trail lawyer turned politician is trying desperately to get out from under a Federal case charging him with circumvent campaign finance laws when he asked a couple of wealthy campaign donors to pony up nearly a million bucks in secret cash to try to hide campaign videographer and not too bright slut Rielle Hunter from the prying eyes of the National Enquirer and his cancer stricken wife Elizabeth.
Edwards’s lawyer filed an armload of motions in a North Carolina court room today to try to cut the legs out from under the government’s case. Edwards’ mouthpiece Abbe Lowell is claiming that the “Silky Pony” knew nothing about the payments and that the cash never made its way through the campaign coffers.
You’ve got to wonder what kind of people become so enamored with a politician that that would be willing to stroke checks for huge money to help the guy cover up his indiscretions? Makes you wonder what the expectations were for a quid pro quo if the second tier Edwards miraculously could have pulled off the election win?
Seriously, this whole episode could have been avoided, if Edwards had just sucked it up and took the hit or easier still would have covered his slut fund out of his own fortune. Makes you wonder not only about his character, but also his lack of intelligence.
That of course would be John Edwards!
Who smiles for a mug shot?
Edwards’s lawyer filed an armload of motions in a North Carolina court room today to try to cut the legs out from under the government’s case. Edwards’ mouthpiece Abbe Lowell is claiming that the “Silky Pony” knew nothing about the payments and that the cash never made its way through the campaign coffers.
You’ve got to wonder what kind of people become so enamored with a politician that that would be willing to stroke checks for huge money to help the guy cover up his indiscretions? Makes you wonder what the expectations were for a quid pro quo if the second tier Edwards miraculously could have pulled off the election win?
Seriously, this whole episode could have been avoided, if Edwards had just sucked it up and took the hit or easier still would have covered his slut fund out of his own fortune. Makes you wonder not only about his character, but also his lack of intelligence.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Bobby the Bundler...Looking Out of Pennsylvania
Running my finger down the list of some 351 campaign donation "bundlers" who collected some $55.5 million in campaign cash, in the most recent quater, for the Obama For America and Obama Victory Fund 2012 Volunteer Fundraisers mixed in among the Hollywood 1 Percenters like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Katzenberg was none other than Pennsylvania Senator Bobby Casey Jr.
Bobby The Bundler apparently wasn't too busy looking out for the best interests of the citizens of the Commonwealth to take out some time to hit up enough foloks to lan himself a spot in the $50,000 to $100,000 catagory on the list
Could it possibly be that things are going so well that Bobby Jr. has nothing else to do but play bank teller to the President? Isn't bad enough that he plays rubber stamp in the Senate?
Bobby The Bundler apparently wasn't too busy looking out for the best interests of the citizens of the Commonwealth to take out some time to hit up enough foloks to lan himself a spot in the $50,000 to $100,000 catagory on the list
Could it possibly be that things are going so well that Bobby Jr. has nothing else to do but play bank teller to the President? Isn't bad enough that he plays rubber stamp in the Senate?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
If You Believe Liberals...
If you believe Liberals...then you would have to believe:
That it would be a good idea to create lists of rich people, so that "social pressure" could be applied to those money grubbers to "give some back." Perhaps former Jimmy Carter national security advisor Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, is just longing for the good old days of his youth in Warsaw, Poland. Besides list makers don't have a checkered past in world history right??
Or if you point out that 47% of Americans DO NOT PAY Federal income tax...then obviously you are a racist. Just ask ask MSNBC Race Relations commentator and The Nation magazine contributor Melissa Harris-Perry...
And last but not least, you would have to believe that well know racist and alleged singer Harry Bellefonte was "meditating" according to his agent, rather than catching a quick nap during a recebt TV interview...
That it would be a good idea to create lists of rich people, so that "social pressure" could be applied to those money grubbers to "give some back." Perhaps former Jimmy Carter national security advisor Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, is just longing for the good old days of his youth in Warsaw, Poland. Besides list makers don't have a checkered past in world history right??
Or if you point out that 47% of Americans DO NOT PAY Federal income tax...then obviously you are a racist. Just ask ask MSNBC Race Relations commentator and The Nation magazine contributor Melissa Harris-Perry...
And last but not least, you would have to believe that well know racist and alleged singer Harry Bellefonte was "meditating" according to his agent, rather than catching a quick nap during a recebt TV interview...
dumb liberals,
Harry Bellefonte,
Zbigniew Brzezinski
President Obama Left Speechless!
Oh the humanity! NBC affiliate WWBT TV in in Henrico, Virginia has broken a major news story, with word that President Obama was struck dumb today! No it's not some mysterious illness that has stricken the President's voice, but the fact that thieves have apparently stolen the President's Teleprompter from the parking lot of the Virginia Commons Courtyard Marriott, in advance of a Presidential campaign visit.
Known for his soaring orratorrical skills, the President rarely makes off the cuff comments, relying on the ever-present smokey gray screens with rolling text rimming the stage. One wonders what will happen to the man's schedule until replacements can be sourced?
Known for his soaring orratorrical skills, the President rarely makes off the cuff comments, relying on the ever-present smokey gray screens with rolling text rimming the stage. One wonders what will happen to the man's schedule until replacements can be sourced?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Hank Yanks Back
I pointed out on Monday, ESPN pulled the Hank Williams Jr. song All My Rowdy Friends from it’s intro to Monday Night Football over comments Williams made on Fox And Friends and that the sports network was well within it’s rights to yank Hank.
Well now comes word from the Hank Jr. camp that that he would be pulling the rights to use the song from the networks broadcasts. “After reading hundreds of e-mails, I have made MY decision,” he wrote. “By pulling my opening Oct 3rd, You (ESPN) stepped on the Toes of The First Amendment Freedom of Speech, so therefore Me, My Song, and All My Rowdy Friends are OUT OF HERE. It’s been a great run.”
As an artist who retains the rights to his product, in this case his song, Williams has the right to choose who he wants to do business with. If Hank Jr. does like ESPNs response to his comment, then he has every right to tell ESPN to stick where the sun don’t shine. Freedom is a wonderful thing!
Well now comes word from the Hank Jr. camp that that he would be pulling the rights to use the song from the networks broadcasts. “After reading hundreds of e-mails, I have made MY decision,” he wrote. “By pulling my opening Oct 3rd, You (ESPN) stepped on the Toes of The First Amendment Freedom of Speech, so therefore Me, My Song, and All My Rowdy Friends are OUT OF HERE. It’s been a great run.”
As an artist who retains the rights to his product, in this case his song, Williams has the right to choose who he wants to do business with. If Hank Jr. does like ESPNs response to his comment, then he has every right to tell ESPN to stick where the sun don’t shine. Freedom is a wonderful thing!
Hank Williams Jr.,
Monday Night Football
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Debbie Does Dumb
Just when you thought she couldn’t get any more stupid, Democrat National Committee chair, Florida Congresswomen, Debbie “Dumbasshit” Shultz rides again. Schultz insisted to yesterday that “anyone’ can see that the economy is improving and sought to interpret what Pres. Obama really meant when he admitted Monday that Americans were not better off today than four years ago.
“Well, what President Obama said was that certainly since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, that Americans are not better off,” Wasserman Schultz told “That was specifically the president’s comment. I thought. And I think anyone who looks at the economy knows we have come a long way.
Really? Anyone? I wonder if this clueless, drooling, moron would like to ask the nearly 116 thousand Americans that lost their jobs last month, the largest number in two years, if they think things are getting better?
Does this women really think that all of the American people are as stupid as the voters who elected her? So much for the best and the brightest.
“Well, what President Obama said was that certainly since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, that Americans are not better off,” Wasserman Schultz told “That was specifically the president’s comment. I thought. And I think anyone who looks at the economy knows we have come a long way.
DNC Chair Debbie "Dumbasshit' Shultz proudly displays her IQ...on two hands
Does this women really think that all of the American people are as stupid as the voters who elected her? So much for the best and the brightest.
Monday, October 3, 2011
ESPN Yanks Hank
While making an appearance on Fox News channel's Fox and Friends morning program country music legend Hank Williams Jr. criticized President Obama for his golf summit with House Speaker John Boehner this summer; “It would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli leader) Benjamin Netanyahu.”
Naturally the comment got picked up by the media and this afternoon ESPN announced that it would dropped Williams classic Monday Night Football open, "Are You Ready for Some Football" from the game broadcast.
ESPN released the following statement: “While Hank Williams, Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize that he is closely linked to our company through the open to Monday Night Football. We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result we have decided to pull the open from tonight’s telecast.”
Naturally Hank Jr. fans are ticked off at ESPNs actions, lighting up comment sections on news stories about the move, many bemoaning the "death of free speech." Sorry, but ESPN, or any other media company outlet for that matter, doesn't control free speech and they have the right to yank Hank! Feel free to fire away, but first remember the Dixie Chicks. When lead Chick Natalie Maines blathered on about George W. Bush and country music stations yanked the trios music, liberals went berserk about free speech and censorship.
To be consistent, businesses can not censor, only governments can! Hank Jr. or the Dixie Chicks have the freedom to say what they want! And businesses and individual consumers have the same right to deliver consequences for those comments. Maines for all intents killed the Dixie Chicks career as a consequence of her comments. I doubt Williams will feel the same kind of impact, but ESPN certainly has the prerogative to exercise the actions it took.
Naturally the comment got picked up by the media and this afternoon ESPN announced that it would dropped Williams classic Monday Night Football open, "Are You Ready for Some Football" from the game broadcast.
ESPN released the following statement: “While Hank Williams, Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize that he is closely linked to our company through the open to Monday Night Football. We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result we have decided to pull the open from tonight’s telecast.”
Naturally Hank Jr. fans are ticked off at ESPNs actions, lighting up comment sections on news stories about the move, many bemoaning the "death of free speech." Sorry, but ESPN, or any other media company outlet for that matter, doesn't control free speech and they have the right to yank Hank! Feel free to fire away, but first remember the Dixie Chicks. When lead Chick Natalie Maines blathered on about George W. Bush and country music stations yanked the trios music, liberals went berserk about free speech and censorship.
To be consistent, businesses can not censor, only governments can! Hank Jr. or the Dixie Chicks have the freedom to say what they want! And businesses and individual consumers have the same right to deliver consequences for those comments. Maines for all intents killed the Dixie Chicks career as a consequence of her comments. I doubt Williams will feel the same kind of impact, but ESPN certainly has the prerogative to exercise the actions it took.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Mitch Daniels: This Guy Gets It
Mitch Daniels – Keeping the Republic: Saving America by Trusting Americans (Sentinel)
Usually politicians author lofty treatises on their ideas or plans for changing, transforming or fixing America when they aspire to higher office. These books tend to be one part biography, one part historical and one part multi-point road map to fixing a problem.
The fact the Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has already declared his non-candidacy for the President, makes his new book Keeping the Republic: Saving America by Trusting Americans more intriguing.
Daniels’ book is a guide book for American exceptionalism. He not only understands that the only way out of the country’s current financial mess is to get government out of the way of the American people, he advocates that the answer lies with the people. Daniels knows that the more that government tries to fix the problem (that more often than not they created) the worse the problem becomes.
Daniels outlines the sheer immensity of the problem we are facing and ties it directly to the growth of government in our lives. In the chapter entitled “Shrunken Citizens” Daniels addresses the reduction of freedoms tied to government growth. It brings to mind the analogy of the frog dropped into a pot of boiling water that hops back out versus the frog in the pot of warm water that slowly has the heat turned up until it is cooked alive. The government intrusion has come a slow, steady, pace.
Daniels drives home the point while outlining the damage done by the passage of Obamacare. He details how government wage and price controls lead to business offering healthcare coverage. This has created the mindset is that somebody else will pay the bill, which has turned into an “inefficient model that has allowed Americans to grow accustomed to the idea to the idea that when it comes to the most personal and important purchase of all, those affecting their health, they are sheep, bystanders to the process in which they have neither the competence to decide what services to buy nor the intelligence to determine for themselves what price is too high for the value they are likely to obtain.”
Amazingly, Daniels approached his job with the seemingly unique mindset that he shouldn’t spend more of the taxpayers money than he takes in. Daniels is an example, or should be, of the new American mindset when it comes to government overspending.
It’s easy to understand why big government, Democrats misread the American people, thinking Daniels would be an easy political target when he ran for re-election. It was Daniels taking a tough stance on spending that transformed his state deficit to a surplus and positioned Indiana in a way to better absorb the recession of 2008.
Daniels approach to governance would not only see him easily win a second term, but also serve as a guidepost to leaders like Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey, Rick Scott in Florida, John Kasich in Ohio and Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
Usually politicians author lofty treatises on their ideas or plans for changing, transforming or fixing America when they aspire to higher office. These books tend to be one part biography, one part historical and one part multi-point road map to fixing a problem.
The fact the Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has already declared his non-candidacy for the President, makes his new book Keeping the Republic: Saving America by Trusting Americans more intriguing.
Daniels’ book is a guide book for American exceptionalism. He not only understands that the only way out of the country’s current financial mess is to get government out of the way of the American people, he advocates that the answer lies with the people. Daniels knows that the more that government tries to fix the problem (that more often than not they created) the worse the problem becomes.
Daniels outlines the sheer immensity of the problem we are facing and ties it directly to the growth of government in our lives. In the chapter entitled “Shrunken Citizens” Daniels addresses the reduction of freedoms tied to government growth. It brings to mind the analogy of the frog dropped into a pot of boiling water that hops back out versus the frog in the pot of warm water that slowly has the heat turned up until it is cooked alive. The government intrusion has come a slow, steady, pace.
Daniels drives home the point while outlining the damage done by the passage of Obamacare. He details how government wage and price controls lead to business offering healthcare coverage. This has created the mindset is that somebody else will pay the bill, which has turned into an “inefficient model that has allowed Americans to grow accustomed to the idea to the idea that when it comes to the most personal and important purchase of all, those affecting their health, they are sheep, bystanders to the process in which they have neither the competence to decide what services to buy nor the intelligence to determine for themselves what price is too high for the value they are likely to obtain.”
Amazingly, Daniels approached his job with the seemingly unique mindset that he shouldn’t spend more of the taxpayers money than he takes in. Daniels is an example, or should be, of the new American mindset when it comes to government overspending.
It’s easy to understand why big government, Democrats misread the American people, thinking Daniels would be an easy political target when he ran for re-election. It was Daniels taking a tough stance on spending that transformed his state deficit to a surplus and positioned Indiana in a way to better absorb the recession of 2008.
Daniels approach to governance would not only see him easily win a second term, but also serve as a guidepost to leaders like Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey, Rick Scott in Florida, John Kasich in Ohio and Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
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