C N S News Scroll

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hints, Lies and Allegations

Unlikeable – The Problem With Hillary – Edward Klein (Regnery Publishing)

Bestselling investigative journalist Edward Klein has pulled together another collection of stories about Hillary and Bill Clinton, Unlikeable – The Problem With Hillary, that while focused on Mrs. Clinton, really raise the same question about this interchangeable duo. That question is best summed up in a quote from NBC News correspondent Leslie McFadden’s interview with Bill Clinton where he insisted, “All I’m saying is the idea that there’s one set of rules for us and another set for everybody else is true”

While even Klein contends that Bill was off his game and mis-spoke, I contend that he actually spoke the truth and I have to ask why that is? Klein while offering up numerous examples of hints at what goes on behind the scenes with the Clinton’s; the outright lies the Clinton’s continue to get a pass on and the clear allegations at wrong doings by the Clinton’s that need to be investigated and would preclude practically anybody else from public life if not take away their freedom; as it stands today Hillary Clinton is the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination for the Presidency of the United States.

I’m not sure even someone as deft as Klein at tracking down answers can explain why the American people continue to give the Clinton’s a free pass. Klein details that while Hillary continues to campaign as a women of the people, fighting for the little guy, she and her family live the exact opposite. The Clinton’s are a shining example of the so-called 1%, with all the mansions, penthouses, private jets and cash that goes along with it. Accept, as Klein spells out, the questionable way they got to that lofty status.

While Klein certainly serves the information up in easily digestible chunks, that even a liberal should be able to understand, Unlikeable is really just a digest of what of what so many other books, including many of his own, has already served up. Here’s hoping that Klein’s contention of deep hated for the Clinton’s by the current resident of the White House leads to an indictment or ten for the Clinton’s.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Clueless Liberals Weigh In On Guns Control

Even before we knew the identity of the loser who shot up Umpqua Community College in Oregon, learned the identity of his victims, or the type of weapon he utilize to perpetrate his crime we had a volley of cluelessness hurled by President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, candidate Hilary Clinton and a raft of drooling morons in the liberal media.

The talking points are familiar enough; the National Rifle Association has blood on its hands, we need “common sense” gun control laws, the second amendment had nothing to do with individual freedoms it was about militias, blah blah blah, yackity yackity.

Never one to let a good crisis go to waste, Obama practically sprinted to the microphone to once again politicize a mass shooting and proclaim the need for “common sense” gun legislation that would close the so called “gun show loophole”, with universal background checks and a band on so-called ‘assault weapons.” And this is where the rush to the camera tripped up the President; Oregon had already passed legislation to require background checks on all gun purchases, so it did not and would not have prevented the shooting at UCC.

Then the liberal pinwheels in the media started weighing in and pontificating about the need for more gun control. Amanda Marcotte, who regularly weigh in with the liberal take on things for Rolling Stone Magazine quickly served up 4Pro-Gun Arguments We’re Tired of Hearing. While all four are about what you’d expect from an uninformed moron, my favorite is number two which reads- “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” in which she laughingly goes on to proclaim “No mass shootings in the past 30 years have been stopped by an armed civilian.” Which is laughable on its face; first she mixes her metaphors, I would argue that the UCC shooter was “stopped by a good guy with a gun.” In fact two of them! Armed officers put this loser down and prevented greater loss of life.

As to the armed civilian part of her stupidity, it’s pretty clear that in many cases, disaffected losers who are hell bent on trying to inflict mass damage have been stopped in their tracks by armed civilians before they can escalate to multiple killings. Perhaps that might take a bit more brain capability than Ms. Marcotte can muster.

The better argument would be to look at these mass killings as a whole. It seems more often than not that these killings take place in locations like UCC that freely post what amounts to an equivalent of a sign reading
Whack Jobs Welcome” when they choose to post “Gun Free Zone” signs; which is notable in the case of Oregon which is a state that allows for concealed carry. Imagine how different the outcome might have been.

Think about what prevents bad guys from busting in your front door and taking your stuff…the greatest weapon is doubt; not knowing exactly what might await them on the other side of the door. Ask folks like Ms. Marcotte to post a sign outside their homes that simple states “No guns on premise” and I bet you will get a whole different opinion on these gun free zone.

Common Sense Gun Control   

I love when politicians and the media start thumping their collective chests and proclaim the need for “common sense gun control”. What exactly is that? Please name the law that we can pass that would have prevented this loser from perpetrating this tragic loss of life? (Insert cricket sounds here.) Still Waiting…okay, let me help you out; the answer is that with over 20,000 state and federal guns laws on the books we have not prevented these mass killings so what would make you think that we could possibly concoct a law to prevent this kind of thing from happening again?

The National Review’s Charles Cook raise this very point when he twisted the entire Morning Joe panel on MSNBC in knots by asking that same question. Check out the video-


You got to wonder why is that Obama and his liberal pals in the media are SO outraged about the UCC shooting that left 9 victims dead and yet they haven’t really said a thing about the 15 murders over just last weekend in the President’s adopted home town of Chicago and the record 60! In the month of September. Could it have something to do with the fact that while Chicago and the state of Illinois have some of the toughest gun laws in the nation, those laws have done NOTHING to prevent a staggering amount of gun crime?!

Simply put, so even politicians and the liberal media can understand, gun laws will not stop a determined killer from perpetrating his crime. Bad people don’t get background checks and gun law only impact good people. The only thing that will put a dent in these kinds of crimes is to stop talking about the losers who perpetrate them; one look at the social media profiles of these assholes and you will more often than not see mentions of the losers who proceeded them down this path of destruction. We have to stand up and say you were a loser before this and you’ll go to your grave a loser and not achieve the fame you seek. This will go a long way to eliminating the copycat mentality.

The second step would be to take down these ridiculous “gun free zone” signs! Put that level of doubt back into the minds of these losers and raise the specter of a potential armed response. Let’s talk publicly and loudly about training people to respond in the event of someone trying to start a mass casualty event. Talk about a message that will have a REAL impact.