C N S News Scroll

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tweeting for Twits

The is a good reason I don't Twitter...sorry but I just don't have 140 character thoughts.
Here is a great example of just how stupid most twits who tweet are...Luke Russert from NBC News on the lead up to the Supreme Court's decision on Obamacare-

"@Luke Russert - If court rejects law, 31mil r back to being uninsured & as it stands now, there is no clear bipartisan way to cover them & reduce their debt"

First off, the bulk of the alledged 31 million people who will be insured when the Obamacare law actually kicks in...aren't quite there yet, because the bulk of the law doesn't take effect until 2014! It's clear the Russert has a clue, because I have no idea what the heck he's talking about with the that last bit about "reduce their debt." Does he actually think that this flawed law is going to do anything to reduce anybody's debt or costs?

Guess I will continue to leave the Tweeting to the deep thinkers...

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