C N S News Scroll

Friday, February 17, 2012

Where is the Outrage?!

What’s Another $150 Billion in Debt…
The House, the Senate and President Obama have painted themselves into a corner once again, passing and signing off on yet another $150 billion in new debt in the form of an extension of the so-called payroll tax cut, before the two month Bandaid they passed late last year runs out.
Not only did they add to the already insurmountable debt but they added to the looming short fall in funding of Social Security. I continue to be amazed by the roll over and play dead Obama media that doesn’t bat an eye about this defunding of, to use the Liberal terminology, “America’s safety net”.
Instead we get bombarded by lines like allowing this cut to expire would be “a tax increase on the poor and middle class.” What happened to all of the indignant Democrat voters who wanted to string up then Senator Rick Santorum for having the nerve to suggest that taxpayers be allowed to take the exact same amount of their Social Security money, 2% and invest it as they see fit for their future retirement? They made it seem like that 2% was the difference between Grandma having a roof over her head and being out on the street.

A serious question comes to mind; when will it be acceptable to put the 2% payroll tax back in place? We simply can’t continue to under-fund the Social Security account and expect it to survive. One of the biggest contributing factors to Santorum losing the election was the scare tactics the Democrats rolled out regarding Social Security and now they are doing something even worse and completely removing the money from the system.
And for what? You’ll hear the bullshit and lies that this money will stimulate the economy and help families; how much impact did the first full year of payroll tax cuts work out for stimulating the economy? Real unemployment, not the bullshit government numbers, but the actual hard numbers that include people who have dropped out of the work force hovers around 15-17%.
Put it in perspective, this cut will put about $40-$50 per month in the average American’s pocket. That equates to a couple of pizza’s or a partially filled gas tank a month! Now let’s take the actual costs to pay for this; the upfront number is about $150 million, but paying back the money we borrowed to do this will cost us a whole heck of a lot more over time. So is it really worth it?

Speaking of the Obama Roll Over and Play Dead Media

With $4 a gallon gasoline looming ever closer and talk of $5 a gallon gas, I’m wondering where all of the Democrat and media outrage over gas prices that we heard during the George W. Bush administration has gone? It seems like all we heard about was the Bush Cheney ties to “Big Oil” and there were calls for investigations of gouging and huge profits taxation for Democrats. But now with the Community Organizer in Chief in office all we get is the sound of crickets.

The fact of the matter is that when Obama took office the price of gas was $1.79 a gallon for regular unleaded, so we have seen the price soar by more than double! The mere talk of the Keystone XL Pipeline caused the price per gallon to drop; then the Community Organizer in Chief blocks the pipeline and what has happened to the price of gas since then?

Speaking of the Obama Roll Over and Play Dead Media – Part 2

Rick Santorum supporter…supporter, not campaign spokesman, Foster Friess makes an old joke and the Obama Roll Over and Play Dead Media gets their panties in a knot and froths at the mouth to express their outrage. The fact that they want to hold Santorum responsible for what a supporter says is absolutely astounding!

The Community Organizer in Chief gets a free pass on comments and acts that are a whole lot more incendiary from his supporters like his Pastor of over 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones and his neighbor/co-worker Bill Ayers among others.

It’s absolutely laughable to see MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell getting her granny panties in a bunch during the interview with Friess and then have her co-worker Chris “Tingles” Matthews slurr his outrage and claim that Republicans hate women! This from the guy who called Michelle Bachmann a “balloon head.” I guess for Matthews the fact that Democrats like Bill Clinton who blew his load on the intern and and Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd’s exploits with waitress sandwiches prove how much Democrats love women!

Can’t wait to see what the Rev. Al Sharpton, a guy who gives Ed Shultz and Rachel Maddow a run for their money for the title of “Dumbest Man on TV” has to say about all this!


Anonymous said...

You promise "clear-thinking, conservative" thought in your headline. We know that is an oxymoron of the highest order, but I digress.

Your positions are generally correct as presented, for they are often devoid of fact, allowing that "clear-thinking" to continue its course of running freely.

Where to begin????

How about two small things you will be able to digest.
One, I will begin as FACT.

It is an election year and everyone wants to get re-elected. Hence, tax cut overwhelms.

You are correct that it should NOT be a 2% Social Security tax cut, but the issue of expiring the Bush tax cuts has been impossible to allow with the Congress (House primarily--Tea Party neophytes).

Bush tax cuts supposed to expire needed extended for the wealthy. Tough to do in the midst of a Depression. Tough to extend politically too.

So instead of the INCOME Tax being twinked, the Social Security tax was abused.
WHY did conservatives go along with this overwhelmingly? They hate Social Security and have always hated it since inception under FDR.

But they went with it the first time, and again now, during re-election time. A "clear-thinking conservative should know why.

What you get OUT of Social Security upon retirement (early, on-time, late, or disabled) is directly related to what you put IN.

Thus, an entire generation of X,Y,Z Millennial and the rest of the alphabet generations, gladly accepts the $20 "tax cut" in Social Security, and Congress belts a glass of scotch at night for the hoodwink.

All of those who accept this money now, did not put it IN. They will get less at retirement, accordingly.
It is a conservative dream-come-true.

Notice that the Income Tax was not changed an iota; SOCIAL SECURITY is being demised now.

Second point, so as not to overwhelm your concise thinking, please learn some truth.

Links do not work on Blogger, so I will cut/paste a tad of info you can look up:

"Congress has passed legislation renewing a payroll tax cut for 160 million workers and jobless benefits for millions more, backing the main items on President Obama's jobs agenda in a rare burst of Washington bipartisanship.

The Senate approved the $143 billion
[HEY JEFF! BILLION, NOT MILLION] measure by a bipartisan 60-36 vote. That tally came minutes after the House approved it by a sweeping 293-132 vote.

Obama is expected to sign it into law shortly after returning from a West Coast fundraising swing."

Paste that in Google and it will come up in full in the New York Daily News and a lot of copycat media.

When someone has a stroke, and their drool oozes down their lips, chin, and to the floor, it is an act of compassion to get a Kleenex or napkin and help them out.

I have the compassion, but not the time to wipe the drool you oozed below all your "bullshits" posted.
So I will help you wipe it up again.

Go to Google.
Do a simple search asking what was the single largest export for the United States in the year 2011.

That would be the most recent period, you know,...the year that ended a month and 17 days ago.

When you do this, you will get an answer from Google. It will tell YOU, a conservative worried about disparity in gas price, that the largest export we make,.....is gasoline, diesel, and crude oil.

This should indicate to you that prices are being artificially manipulated upward, via export of the material.

Export will cease a tad this year, and the price magically come down....just before election time.
No bullshit Jeff!

Jeff Johns said...

Hey Anon...I know you were outraged that I didn't publish your comment right away...it was because I didn't actually see it until now...computer issues...I did correct my error on the million/billion when I realized the mistake, which was before seeing your comment.

Instead of being outraged about my comment on gas prices...maybe you should actually read what I said I never asked why gas prices are so high, merely why the outrage that was everywhere during the Bush admin, had suddenly disappeared from the media radar.

Since you like simple searches so much, search the NY Times in 2005 when gas was $2.55 per gallon and how it was negatively impacting people and then see the NY Times last week when they spoake about the economy being is such good shape that it could handle the gas price increase...at $3.69 a gallon. Does anyone really think that our economy is in good shape? Really?

As to the "payroll tax" cut...your point about getting out what you put in?? Really?! The system is so fatally flawed it's beyond repair and we have DEMOCRATS who love social security and think it's a winning proposition are turning the knife with this cut!

Again the point of the piece was why aren't people outraged in a equal fashion to the way they were just a few short years ago. We used to have something like 40 people working and paying into the system for every person that was collecting...now it's 2 or 3 people working to everyone collecting and getting worse as less people work and contribute and more people collect. And from that system, we want to take away contributions?!

Again at what point will it be a good idea to have us start to put that 2% back into the system? Won't we always need the money for gas/groceries/whatever?

I hesitated to make this comment...but since your felt the need to get personal with your comments...let me return the favor...I put my name on my comments and stand behind them...wonder why you lack the testicular fortitude to do the same?