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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Follow the Liberal Logic…“Let's take these son of bitches out”

The following is an exercise in Liberal Logic:

Yesterday, while appearing at a Labor Day rally in Michigan, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. the head thug of the Teamsters Union loudly and now famously proclaimed of the Tea Party, “Let's take these son of bitches out”.

Today comes news out of Senator Harry Reid’s state of Nevada, that a currently un-named gunman opened fire inside an IHOP restaurant, wounding six and killing three, including two uniformed members of the National Guard.

Run this through the Liberal Logic machine that claimed that Sarah Palin’s “targeted” Congressional districts, somehow encouraged Jared Loughner to launch a murderous rampage, gunning down innocent bystanders and Congresswomen Gabby Giffords.

So where are the cries of outrage from Harry Reid, DNC Chair Debbie Dumbasdirt-Shultz, Nancy Peolosi and other deranged Liberals, claiming that Hoffa’s fiery rhetoric was the root cause of these terrible, senseless shootings? ***Insert Cricket Sounds Here*** Clearly many members of the military are supporters/members of the Tea Party movement, so it would follow that this shooter was some deranged, union member, hellbent to cap some Tea Party types.

Now do I know for a fact that this shooter was a union member? Or that he heard Jimmy Hoffa’s ridiculous and incendiary comments? No. But when did actual hard facts ever matter to Liberal Logic? They never bothered to get the facts before they launched the attack on Sarah Palin.

Once again, this just another illustration that proves how twisted and illogical the thought processes of Liberals really are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unions, they're like herpes. Always lurking in the shadows and rearing their ugly heads when you least expect them. Jimmy Hoffa Jr. is nothing more than an Obamunist rump-nuzzler who knows he and his sheeple followers days in the sun are thankfully coming to an end. They have no substantial argument other than to vilify freedom loving patriots.