At this writing, the Trump Presidency is well into its
first 100 days and is in full swing of knocking down things that are on his
agenda. It is at this time that it makes sense to take a look at two new books,
one that focuses on how we got here and one that offers us insight into where
we are headed.
Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated A Revolution –
Roger Stone (Skyhorse Publishing)
Journalist and historian Theodore White made his mark
when he penned the classic look at John F Kennedy’s historic, successful White
House run in 1960 with his book, The
Making of the President 1960. White would later continue that tradition,
penning tomes examining the Presidential runs in 1964 and 1968. Each of these
books looked not only at the Presidential campaigns, but also marked the
historic nature of the times.
While certainly not falling into the more scholarly
vein of White’s works, longtime political strategist and campaign consultant
Roger Stone takes a whack at writing about the Presidential campaign and an
equally historic nature of the election in
The Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated A Revolution.
Ever the iconoclast, Stone made for the perfect choice
to lead business mogul Donald Trump’s nascent Presidential campaign in its
earliest days. Stone cut his political teeth during the election of Richard
Nixon, played key roles in the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H W Bush;
as well has parachuting into Florida to lead the recount the elected George W
Bush in 2000.
Stones relationship with Trump dates back to the
businessman’s first flirtation with Presidential politics under the banner of
the Reform Party in 2000. That toe in the water effort, set much of the foundation
of what would become Trump’s 2016 run; the ultimate outsider, running for an
insider’s nomination. Stone offers interesting insider knowledge on the
struggle that the Republican establishment had with the Trump candidacy and the
fact that veteran Republicans truly underestimated strength of his campaign.
Stone lifts the tent flap and offers a glance inside
many of the storylines that became part and parcel of the 2016 campaign. Stone
offers up his thoughts on Wikileaks and Julian Assange, any connection between
the leaked emails and the Russians, insiders knowledge of the Clinton cabal
including characters, crackpots and criminals like Huma Abedin, Anthony “Carlos
Danger” Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein and the heads of the criminal enterprise, Bill
Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.
Agenda – President Trump’s Plan to Save America – David Horowitz (Humanix
Okay, so we won the battle (Republican primary) and
then the War (general election) and to the victor go the spoils. Now what? That
is the simple, direct question that conservative commentator and bestselling
author David Horowitz attempts to tackle in his new book Big Agenda – President Trump’s Plan to Save America.
Anyone familiar with Horowitz’s background and story,
moving from the far left, coming to the realization that liberalism is a lie
and his transition to becoming a conservative icon; it is that back story that
gives him the credibility and insight into what is at stake and what needs to
be corrected. Horowitz rightly predicts that Trump will have to start out,
focused on repairing the damage done to the country over the course of the past
eight misguided years of Obama.
Horowitz not only outlines some of the issues Trump
will have to address to right the ship of government he also delivers some
common sense approaches to not only take the additional steps to move the
country forward, but also to drive the proverbial wooden stake into the
democrat vampires.
Based on the first moments of the Trump Presidency, it
is obvious the Democrats game plan is to disparage Trump, question Trumps
integrity, raise silly questions about things like Russians and taxes; you know
the stupid things that their less then best and brightest followers will
gravitate toward. Horowitz posits that Trump needs to club these clowns like
the frothing, rabid dogs they are. And based on what we’ve seen up to this
point they are rocked back on their heels, trying to figure out what’s next.