Red: The Two Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President – and How
Conservatives Can Win Them – Ed Morrissey (Crown Forum)
Comedian Darrel Hammond used to do a bit on Saturday
Night Live playing former President Bill Clinton, usually in a bar, trying to
come to grips with something and uttering the line “what the hell happened?!”
It was that familiar refrain that sadly became the catch phrase of Republicans
following the 2012 Presidential election as they tried to understand exactly
what the hell happened!
Conservative blogger, writer and radio host Ed
Morrissey reminds us of the painful details of what was clearly a White House
ripe for the taking following a 2010 Republican mid-term blowout, President
Barack Obama mired in the controversy of Benghazi, and the mess that is
Obamacare. And yet it didn’t take long to see the Election Day handwriting on
the wall for Republican candidate Mitt Romney, who snatched defeat from the
jaws of victory with his lack of testicular fortitude and inability to close
the deal to send Obama packing.
Well now Morrissey not only dissects what went wrong,
but how serves up a roadmap for how to fix the problem in 2016 and take
politics down to a granular level in his new book, Going Red: The Two Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President –
and How Conservatives Can Win Them. Morrissey spent time on the ground
researching and investigating not only the so-called battleground states, but
those pivotal counties within those all-important states.
There are a handful of political prognosticators that
have the ability to drill down into the ground game that has become part and
parcel of winning national elections and in many cases even statewide races.
Morrissey is one of those folks. His deep dive into politics at the micro-level
really proves that all politics is local and that successful candidates will
have to custom craft their messaging to target these microcosms of voters. This
is truly an intriguing proposal for victory, it will interesting to see if the
Republicans are will to take up the mantle.