The old saying is that you tell a lot about a person by the
company they keep; in the case of conservative commentators you can tell a lot by
the people they piss off. In the case of conservative firebrand Ann Coulter,
she has the uncanny ability to tick off most liberals, most notably the low
information types that seem to dominate the left.
In her new book, Never
Trust a Liberal Over Three – Especially a Republican, Coulter collects a
series of her weekly columns and lays them out in a series of broad categories
that she pens fresh introductions for. I’m not certain it was her intention or
not, but along the way Coulter draws a road map for the communication
challenged Republican party to do a better job of delivering their messages.
We are in the midst of a classic example of how the
Republicans get messaging wrong. It’s not enough to simply say that Obamacare sucks!
People have been told for so long that our healthcare system is awful that low
information voters will think that anything would be a solution to that hot
mess. Republicans need to make clear the FACT is 88% of those with health
insurance coverage were satisfied with their plans and that they didn’t want to
turn our health care system into the equivalent of the DMV. They need to make
clear their plan for dealing with uninsured, pre-existing conditions and how
the billions of dollars wasted on this entire process and the crappy website
could have been better spent addressing those issues.
Imagine the impact that the ability to communicate with
Coulter’s direct style could have on the Republican party. Unfortunately, the
best conservative communicators aren’t politicians, but end up being folks like
Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.
With chapters on everything from: Guns and Crime, Immigration,
Liberals and science, education and the judicial branch among many others
Coulter give clear, concise and fact based responses to liberal Democrat lies.
This book should be placed under every Republican politician Christmas tree and
maybe more importantly forced into the hands of Republican consultants who seem
content with blowing campaigns and losing elections.