Okay, so there’s a big Sports Illustrated story and the
media is blowing up with news that some guy that nobody has ever heard of has
come out of the closet and announced he’s gay. To call Jason Collins marginal
may give him too much credit.
In 12 seasons he’s played for half a dozen teams and
averaged 3.6 points per game. We are talking about a 7 footer who averages less
than 4 rebounds per game! Let’s face it, the NBA is SO desperate for big men
that you can have absolutely NO GAME and still remain in the league.
So this makes me wonder why anyone should care? This is the
equivalent of Bob the stock boy down at the local grocery store coming out!
Other than the professional ax grinders and special interest groups does anyone
who has get up and go to work every day really give two shits? Frankly it’s
laughable to see tweets of support coming from Bill “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
Clinton and Kobe Bryant who let fly with a gay slur on court early this year.
Collins has managed to hang around with pitiful skills and
stats to match for 12 years! Now he’s a free agents with slim prospects at best
of landing on another team which makes this “big” announcement more than a
little suspect. When Collins can’t find a new sucker willing to pay him big
bucks to ride the bench then he will be able to claim that it was homophobia
and not his crappy stats that caused him to not be able to latch on with a new