C N S News Scroll

Sunday, October 2, 2016

We’re Mad as Hell…

Angry White Male: How the Donald Trump Phenomenon is Changing America – and What We Can Do to Save the Middle Class – Wayne Allyn Root – (Skyhorse Publishing)

The same mainstream press who thought that the color of Barack Obama’s skin was the only qualification that he needed to be the leader of the free world is now mystified, confused and frustrated trying to understand how Donald J. Trump could possibly be the viewed as qualified for that job, let alone be the Republican nominee. When these folks, who self identify as waaaay smarter than the average folks in flyover country can’t quite grasp what is going on, they respond in typical fashion, by going the attack and name calling.

The equally natural response from these liberal elitists is to extend their attack onto anyone who would dare to profess their support for Trump. Any Trump supporter is automatically a racist, homophobe, bigot, intolerant buffoon and likely an angry white male. Riding in on his (naturally) white horse to save the day and try to explain the Trump phenomenon is conservative and self-describe capitalist televangelist Wayne Allyn Root with his new book, Angry White Male: How the Donald Trump Phenomenon is Changing America – and What We Can Do to Save the Middle Class.

Root cuts to the chase and lays it out chapter and verse why so many folks are, to borrow a line from the movie Network “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!” Root outlines, the time and time again process where the middle class has been used as a doormat by politicians of every stripe; promised the world on a platter during an election campaign only to be crapped on when the rubber meets the road.

So what’s behind the Trump phenomenon? FRUSTRATION! Root encapsulates all of the anger that has been building and why even if he may not be the perfect candidate or the most politically correct candidate, that is exactly when a HUGE (or if you prefer YUGE) portion of frustrated voters is looking for right here, right now. The main stream morons won’t ever get it, because they are part and parcel of the problem; they haven’t done a damn thing to hold politicians accountable, so now…the voters will!

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