C N S News Scroll

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Rigging the System

Guilty as Sin: Uncovering new Evidence of Corruption and How Hilary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation – Edward Klein – (Regnery)

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” - Joseph Goebbels – Reich Minister of Propaganda, Nazi Germany.

Hitler’s propagandist believed that statement and Hilary Clinton and her band of minions practice it on a daily basis. Longtime New York Times columnist William Safire got it right when he described Hilary Clinton as a “congenital liar.” This is a woman who chooses to lie even when she has the opportunity to tell the truth and more often than not she does it with absolute conviction.

It is that skillful ability to lie, aided and abetted by a legion of minions and enablers and a sycophantic media that is the centerpiece of bestselling author Edward Klein’s latest exploration of the corrupt world of Hilary Clinton, Guilty as Sin: Uncovering new Evidence of Corruption and How Hilary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation.

Klein, a deft journalist has always managed to pull on enough story threads to craft a compelling, detailed case loaded with an insider’s perspective of all of the comings and goings of his subject matter. In Guilty as Sin, Klein focused his attention on piecing together the details of the FBI’s multi-layered investigation into Hilary’s use of a “home brew” private email server that was CLEARLY outside the parameters of the law on a number of levels.

The Clinton and her evil minions defense is where the Goebbels-like lies come into play; bullshit like: “there was nothing illegal about it,” or “Colin Powell did the same thing,” or “Colin Powell advised me to do it,” “There was no classified email sent through the server,” and my personal favorite “I only deleted emails about my yoga classes.” Sorry, but the only thing twisting into knots was Hilary make believe stories and not her overstuffed backside!

Klein details the endless laundry list of Clinton scandals, the self-enriching, pay for play schemes that Hilary and company have cooked up. Imagine, this is when she was only the secretary of state; it boggles the mind to think what she would try to pull if she lands in the White House. This women comes with more baggage then O’Hare Airport! It’s scary to think of the gaggle of assholes, sycophants, clingers and criminals that she would bring with her to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Klein spells out a compelling story of way she must be stopped!

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