They Came for the Gun Owners: The Campaign to Disarm You and Take Away Your
Freedoms – Mark W. Smith (Bombadier)
well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” - Second
Amendment - Constitution of United
States of America 1789
yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK 47,” Robert Francis O’Rouke, then
Democrat, Presidential candidate.
I for one am not sure what “Blowhole” O’Rouke (sorry I
refuse to call this empty suit, dipshit Beto) doesn’t seem to grasp about
“shall not be infringed.” It is from this brain-dead position, completely
devoid of any scintilla of knowledge about guns and or gun owners, that the
anti-gun gun types attack the rights of law-abiding gun owners. It is on that
point that I find bestselling author Mark W. Smith writing so refreshing.
Smith writes with a clarity, depth of knowledge of not
only guns but the Constitution, with a subject matter expertise that few,
writing on the subject, can even remotely muster. Much of what he details in First They Came for the Gun Owners: The
Campaign to Disarm You and Take Away Your Freedoms, falls into the slippery
slope arguments that rips apart the seemingly “reasonable” packaging that
anti-gunners wrap their arguments in.
After all who could possibly be against “universal
background checks” and “closing the gun show loophole”? The problem is much of
what is pawned off as “harmless” or innocent is based on a load of crap sold by
liberals who lie and a complicit media who wouldn’t know a muzzle loader from a
pea shooter.
Like seemingly all gun control proposals, they don’t
really do anything to solve the gun ‘problems” they were supposed to fix. They
will however, create problems for law abiding gun owners. Liberals can’t seem
to grasp even the basic concept that bad guys don’t procure their guns through
legal means or from licensed firearms dealers. Newsflash- bad guys either steal
guns or obtain stolen guns.
Smith makes the cogent argument and urgent case, that
this attack on gun rights can lead to a continuing erosion of individual
liberties and freedoms that go beyond the right to bear arms.
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