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Saturday, July 23, 2016

And the Truth Will Set You Free

The Problem With Socialism – Thomas J. DiLorenzo (Regnery Publishing)

I get the sense that Senator Bernie Sanders, the failed Presidential candidate may be one of the most honest men in America; he makes no attempt to hide the fact the he is a socialist and his goal to convert the United States into a socialist nation. The problem is folks like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who have the exact same goal in mind without one iota of the honesty.

The problem for the people in the United States is that Sanders, Obama, and Clinton are delusional or clueless enough to believe that socialism can work and is the answer to all of our problems. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola University, Maryland is here to set them straight in with his new book, The Problem With Socialism. DiLorenzo points out, not only the time, after time, after time, the dismal failings of socialist states but details chapter and verse how and why socialism fails.

DiLorenzo points out the frightening statistics from polls like, the yougov.com poll that found that 43% of Americans between ages eighteen and twenty-nine, have a “favorable” opinion of socialism and a 2016 Pew Research poll that 69% of those polled under the age of thirty, expressed a “willingness to vote for a socialist Presidential candidate.” Those numbers should be chilling, especially for anyone who is even remotely familiar with the tyrannical socialist regimes of China, the Soviet Union and North Korea and the millions of dead they left behind.

What DiLorenzo really spells out is the drip by drip approach that Obama, Clinton, Sanders and their ilk have taken to slowly and steadily shift public opinion to being accepting of socialism. It is a classic example of the story of dropping a frog into a pot of boiling water; it is in the frogs natural instinct to jump out. If you take the same frog and place him in a pot of cool water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will remain comfortable right up to the minute the water begins to boil; which will be much too late.

That is the stage that we find ourselves in and DiLorenzo gives us a clear and concise path to pull ourselves out of the boiling pot of socialism.

So how did we get here? The American people have been sold a bill of goods by Obama/Clinton; the bill that includes government control of health care, so-called “fairness” and “equality”, and of the imbalance of capitalism. They have used subtle tools to sell this tale; rich capitalists only succeed because you fail and because they didn’t build the roads and infrastructure to their factory, the government and the people did. And it goes on and on.

One of the multitude of problems with socialism is there is absolutely no motivation to work hard and become successful; the equality that Obama and Clinton hold dear is that we are all equally failures. Why work hard when the government Daddy will provide? The biggest problem with socialism and socialists as British prime minister Margaret Thatcher famously pointed out, “they always run out of other people’s money.” When government Daddy can no longer provide, you starve! There is no free health care, free college education, free food, etc, etc. Somebody has to foot the bill!

While DiLorenzo is a college professor, The Problem With Socialism, is not a stodgy, boring, text book; it is a concise, easy to understand tome, which is perfect for student who came out of the “free” public education system. I highly recommend that parents pick up copies to share with their millennial offspring along with a clear message of the pending disaster that is a Hillary Clinton presidency.

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