C N S News Scroll

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ridiculous: Obama Justice Department Objects to Voter ID Law

I am not an attorney…and I don’t play one on TV…so I have a had time trying to understand the twisted logic of the Obama Justice Department and their latest step to file an objection to the Texas state law requiring voters to show photo ID before voting because it is discriminatory to Hispanic voters.

If the law is discriminatory because they don’t have photo ID, then how do these people do ay of the following:
Get a Driver's license

Buy alcohol

Buy cigarettes

Apply for welfare

Apply for food stamps

Cash a check

Purchase a firearm

Make any large credit card purchase

Open a bank account

Rent an apartment

Be admitted to a hospital

Visit a Physicians office

Get a marriage license

Get on an airplane

Adopt a pet

Purchase a home

Purchase a car

Obtain a passport

Write a check

Make a credit card purchase…if you don’t sign the back of the card

Purchase insurance for anything

Get a job

Rent a Post Office Box

Pick up a package at the post office

Get a hunting license

Get a fishing license

Get a business license

Rent a hotel room

Rent a car

Rent furniture

Rent tools/equipment

Receive Social Security

Buy a cell phone/service

Buy some over the counter cold/allergy medicines

Go into a casino

Go into a bar/be served

Go to college

Get electric service

Get natural gas service

Get cable TV turned on

Pick up a prescription at a pharmacy

Did I miss any?

How many times a day do you have to show ID to prove you are who you say you are? How many of these occasions where you have to whip out ID have been the product of some government regulation? I can’t even buy Claritan D for my allergies, without showing ID for fear that I am some Meth-head looking to cook up a batch.

The way things are going, you’ll soon need to show ID to wipe your own backside! Think I’m joking? Would you really be surprised if environmentalists wanted to track your toilet paper purchases?
Give me a ten pound break…this is just the Obama Justice Department’s way of protecting one of their special classes…the fraudulent voter!